One difficulty when using Nix is that it’s possible to hit a purity wall. A dependency is not in nixpkgs (yet), and you have to package it yourself. But the project does some impure things during the build. It’s using some esoteric language that doesn’t have a <lang>2nix
tool yet.
And sometimes it’s hard to go to your customer/boss and tell them you have to spend the next 3 weeks doing “things right”(tm).
Luckily there is a workaround available, and this is why I’m writing this article. To show a quick but impure alternative that can be used in a pinch.
Don’t use this for nixpkgs - PRs will be rejected. And Hydra doesn’t build those either.
Use __noChroot = true
in a pinch
By default, derivations are built in a sandboxed environment, that doesn’t allow them to use the network. This is one of the core features that is used to make builds more reproducible. And also one of the main reasons why an impure build would fail.
By adding __noChroot = true
on a derivation, it turns off the sandbox selectively for that derivation. Note that all users also need to have sandbox = relaxed
set in their nix.conf
or nixConfig.sandbox = "relaxed"
in their flake.nix.
So this is not a good solution for open source projects but can work in an enterprise setting, which is the only place I recommend using this.
Example packaging flow-bin
flow-bin is missing from nixpkgs. It’s just an example that I found that is node, and that ships with a pre-compiled binary. You could try to use node2nix, npm2nix, npmlock2nix, yarn2nix (2 versions), … Or just do this hacky thing 🙂
{ nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } }:
version = "0.105.1";
nixpkgs.runCommand "flow-bin-${version}"
# Disable the Nix build sandbox for this specific build.
# This means the build can freely talk to the Internet.
__noChroot = true;
# Add all the build time dependencies
nativeBuildInputs = [
# Automatically patchelf all installed binaries
# Add all the runtime dependencies
buildInputs = [
# This part is a bit like a Dockerfile, without the apt-get installs.
# Nix sets the HOME to something that doesn't exist by default.
# npm needs a user HOME.
export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
# Install the package directly from the Internet
npm install flow-bin@${version}
# Fix all the shebang scripts in the node_modules folder.
patchShebangs .
# Copy the node_modules and friends
mkdir -p $out/share
cp -r . $out/share/$name
# Add a symlink to the binary
mkdir $out/bin
ln -s $out/share/$name/node_modules/.bin/flow $out/bin/flow
This kind of approach is quite generally applicable and should work for other languages as well. Of course it’s less reproducible, and if anything changes in the build script, there are no incremental build layers like in Docker.
You could split the build into different phases though, and that’s what we’ll be seeing next.
Example packaging a NextJS project
In this case, the code changes quite often and comes from the monorepo directly. We are not packaging a third-party library, but something that our developers are evolving daily.
We were using npmlock2nix to translate the npm package-lock.json to Nix at evaluation time. It’s a great project but, unfortunately, it doesn’t support the package-lock.json v2 format. This is not a criticism of the project itself, it’s just a lot of work to keep up with the nodejs ecosystem (and the format itself got even more complicated).
This meant that we were stuck with nodejs 14.x, which is 2 years old and is not actively supported anymore. And most frontend developers on the team also didn’t care about Nix and just installed nodejs directly in their macOS, meaning they had the latest version that generates v2 formats.
So __noChroot = true
comes to the rescue. Here we split the build and install the node_modules
impurely, but keep the core project sandboxed. This allows to minimize the surface and rebuild that happens.
# Fill these arguments how you like
{ nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }
, nix-filter # an instance of
let self =
# Pick the version of nodejs to use
nodejs = nixpkgs.nodejs_18-x;
# Build the node_modules separately, from package.json and package-lock.json.
# Use __noChroot = true trick to avoid having to re-compute the vendorSha256 every time.
node_modules = nixpkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "node_modules";
src = nix-filter {
root = ./.;
include = [
# HACK: break the nix sandbox so we can fetch the dependencies. This
# requires Nix to have `sandbox = relaxed` in its config.
__noChroot = true;
configurePhase = ''
# NPM writes cache directories etc to $HOME.
export HOME=$TMP
buildInputs = [ self.nodejs ];
# Pull all the dependencies
buildPhase = ''
${self.nodejs}/bin/npm ci
# NOTE[z]: The folder *must* be called "node_modules". Don't ask me why.
# That's why the content is not directly added to $out.
installPhase = ''
mkdir $out
mv node_modules $out/node_modules
# And finally build the frontend in its own derivation
my-frontend = nixpkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "my-frontend";
# Use the current folder as the input, without node_modules
src = nix-filter {
root = ./.;
exclude = [
nativeBuildInputs = [ self.nodejs ];
buildPhase = "npm run build";
configurePhase = ''
# Get the node_modules from its own derivation
ln -sf ${self.node_modules}/node_modules node_modules
export HOME=$TMP
# TODO: move to different derivation
doCheck = true;
checkPhase = ''
npm run test
# This is specific to nextjs. Typically you would copy ./dist to $out or
# something like that.
installPhase = ''
# Use the standalone nextjs version
mv .next/standalone $out
# Copy non-generated static files
cp -R public $out/public
# Also copy generated static files
mv .next/static $out/.next/static
# Re-link the node_modules
rm $out/node_modules
mv node_modules $out/node_modules
# Wrap the script
cat <<ENTRYPOINT > $out/entrypoint
exec "$(type -p node)" "$out/server.js" "$$@"
chmod +x $out/entrypoint
}; in self
Example packaging a .NET project
For .NET, there is a tool called nuget2nix that is called to generate a deps.nix
file, which is then passed to nixpkgs.buildDotnetModule
‘s nugetDeps
argument. So every time a dependency changes, don’t forget to call that tool again. Because most .NET developers are on Windows, they also don’t have the tool installed, so we wrote a CI step that would check that the file was up to date and push a fixup commit otherwise. Then we re-discovered that dependabot doesn’t have the same permissions and would fail. This dance was starting to get old pretty fast.
So here is the new solution: fetch the dependencies with __noChroot = true
in one derivation, and then pass them into the main build:
# Fill these arguments how you like
{ nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } # an instance of nixpkgs
, nix-filter # an instance of
let self =
# The .NET packages we want to use
dotnet-sdk = nixpkgs.dotnetCorePackages.sdk_6_0;
dotnet-runtime = nixpkgs.dotnetCorePackages.aspnetcore_6_0;
# Fetch all the dependencies in one derivation with __noChroot = true
nugetDeps = nixpkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "nuget-deps";
# HACK: break the nix sandbox so we can fetch the dependencies. This
# requires Nix to have `sandbox = relaxed` in its config.
__noChroot = true;
# Only rebuild if the project metadata has changed
src = nix-filter {
root = ./.;
include = [
(nix-filter.matchExt "csproj")
(nix-filter.matchExt "slnf")
(nix-filter.matchExt "sln")
nativeBuildInputs = [
# Avoid telemetry
configurePhase = ''
projectFile = "my-api.slnf";
# Pull all the dependencies for the project
buildPhase = ''
for project in $projectFile; do
dotnet restore "$project" \
-p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true \
-p:Deterministic=true \
--packages "$out"
installPhase = ":";
# Build the project itself
my-api = nixpkgs.buildDotnetModule {
pname = "my-api";
version = "0";
src = nix-filter {
root = ./.;
exclude = [
# Filter out C# build folders
(nix-filter.matchName "bin")
(nix-filter.matchName "logs")
(nix-filter.matchName "obj")
(nix-filter.matchName "pub")
(nix-filter.matchName ".vs")
projectFile = "my-api.slnf";
# Replace the `nugetDeps = ./deps.nix` with the derivation.
# This is only possible for nixpkgs that contains this PR:
nugetDeps = self.nugetDeps;
dotnet-sdk = self.dotnet-sdk;
dotnet-runtime = self.dotnet-runtime;
executables = [
So there you have it. I hope that the explanation and examples give you an idea of how to apply this in various contexts, and help unblock some packaging problems that you might have. It’s better to use Nix impurely than not at all, and the sandbox change is really localized and controlled.
Of course, if you want help with pure packaging, you can always reach out to Numtide and we can help you out.
That’s all, hope this was interesting!